Wednesday 25 March 2009

Subway Font

Johnson Underground font

Map Symbols

Reproductions of symbols from Network Rail maps that could be relevant to the project.
(Drawn using Flash).

Gullah Music

Website that explains Gullah Music, a way that African slaves used to communicate with each other in America by way of a coded language, whilst seemingly singing gospel tunes.

Thursday 19 March 2009

Muic Notation

Braille music notation (RNIB website)


These maps fit together smoothly; the official Toronto subway map ( and the two streetcar guides created by Matthew Blackett of Spacing (

This has perfect relevance to the project as a way to juxtapose the links between mainstream and underground.
The skill seems to be in applying the same visual language to different sets of information, as would have been neccessary with the independent services of the first London Tube map.


Electrical Schematics

Beck's Tube design has been likened to electrical schematic diagrams e.g Parallel lines, symbols and colour coding help to simplify.

Both travel maps and the schematics share some of the same symbols e.g wiring symbols


World Subway Maps

Music Notation

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Massimo Vignelli NY Subway Map

It's difficult to believe that Vignelli's 1972 NY subway map was completely rejected. Maybe it would have been a success if it had been trialled in the same way as Harry Beck's intially controversial London Tube design .

'The Platform' album by Dilated Peoples, released in May 2000. Example of an underground group that have also 'surfaced' at times with tracks like 'This Way' with Kanye West (